The generative business intelligence platform
Empower your leadership with trusted AI capabilities to accelerate your AI journey with rapidly deployed, integrated platforms that are highly configured to generate new intelligence from documents and data.
Data creation
AI and data visualization
Data aggregation
Workflow and RPA
Data management
Your data made into intelligence
Bring data in from different sources
Aggregate, curate and enrich
Workflow, review, productize
Visualize, broadcast, trend
What we deliver to our customers
Financial Reporting & Regulations

Organizing data and documents for review, reporting and change management. Workflow approvals, analytics and integrate with DocuSign.

Charities & Institutions

Get the engagement going with Librios. Organizing member specific information and data then broadcasting relevant and up-to-date knowledge has never been more critical. Build user value with subscriptions, content tools and information services to help and support more people in their everyday jobs. Reports and analysis help drive new relevant content decisions.

Assurance & Compliance

Librios is used as a platform to help organizations manage data and documents for evidence-based control. By gathering, linking and integrating data, new services can be created to manage compliance and support governance. Analytics and trends can target improvement areas and supply chain engagement.


Designed to support publishers manage, re-purpose and publish their content, the platform blends editorial tools with broadcast capabilities. From MS Word, to xml, to EPub and web-based subscription services, Librios helps with the democratization of data while centralizing resources.

Our services

Technical support

Technical support and Cyber Essentials certified

Our software engineers provide 3rd and 4th line support across our technologies. We have a vast amount of experience supporting in life projects using several different tracking tools.

Project Management

Project management

Using MS DevOps we have provided everything from small bespoke projects to end to end, long term, program evolution delivery.

Platform Tools


We use technology based around Microsoft™ software such as Azure, SQL Server and .Net. Librios Platform tools allow projects to be configured to a very high degree both in terms of functionality and in terms of looks and feel.



Librios can be deployed to your MS Azure Cloud environment or we offer different managed hosting services via our CSP partner Secura.

Some of our clients
Description: org.fssi
Description: org.hitatchi
Description: org.integrityrisk
Description: org.rmi
Description: org.sgs
Description: org.simonandschuster
Description: org.bloomsbury
Description: org.yale
Description: org.wef
Description: org.cpag
Description: org.lag
Description: org.boydell
Description: org.noah
Thinking of starting a project?
Talk to us about a cost-effective platform as a service rapid prototype to test concepts and try new ideas.