The generative business intelligence platform



AI-Powered research reports

Unlock journals, research papers, non-fiction backlists and control the narrative with AI-powered new extended research generation tools. Empower editors to create new content or give subscribers access to regenerated information.

Make GenBI part of your digital and data strategy today.

Book a demo

Collect backlist information at scale

Drag and drop backlists and use AI to analyse and create new value

Aggregate other datasets

Include best practice, government or regulatory datasets for benchmarking

Generative business intelligence

Turn backlists and research into extended insights reports, gap analysis, training materials, presentations and best practice guides

Drive improvement through subscription

Inbuilt subscription service to resell the GenAI outputs to customers

Tailor-fit solution in a box


Extract new intelligence from disparate knowledge and backlist information to resell new value.


Extract data to create new value such as extended research, gap analysis, training and best practice guidelines


Editors can control the narrative from outputs and customers can combine their own information with the new research.


Installed in your own secure MS Azure subscription so can integrate and reside by your data

The Librios impact

Using AI to build new intellectual property

Ideal for editors to extract new revenues from backlist information


Fastest way to unlock revenue from backlist information


Ability to scale the database to hold yours and your customer’s research


Control the narrative by allowing more customers to access backlist information

Start today, identify a use case, find the documents and data, test outputs and refine

Case study

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